Fleet of vehicles

State-of-the-art ambulances in Fasano

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"Ambulances complete with all medical devices for your safety"

Safety and comfort in the spotlight

Ambulances are a fundamental tool for transporting patients in emergency situations. However, to ensure a safe and effective journey, it is necessary to rely on highly qualified personnel and state-of-the-art vehicles, such as those offered by Getras Ambulanze.

Located in Fasano, in the province of Brindisi, this company has state-of-the-art ambulances equipped with all the necessary medical devices to ensure the utmost safety and comfort for patients.

Thanks to its extensive experience in the field, Getras Ambulanze can guarantee high-quality services throughout the national territory.

Getras fleet of ambulances

Ready for every healthcare emergency

Furthermore, the company boasts a diversified fleet of vehicles capable of handling every type of emergency, including ambulances equipped with resuscitation equipment, for the transport of disabled individuals, and for dialysis transport.

Getras in Fasano, in the province of Brindisi, boasts a fleet of ambulances capable of addressing any type of emergency. The ambulances are equipped with resuscitation equipment and are dedicated to the transport of disabled individuals, the sick, and dialysis patients.

Moreover, they are equipped with devices for every type of medical need and can provide fast and safe transport to the desired healthcare or hospital facility.

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Relying on Getras rescue vehicles means choosing the utmost safety for your loved ones

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